Jimmy “Cook” Corkery
Born in New York City, New York. Currently lives in San Francisco
Jimmy’s musical influences are George Harrison, Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Mick Abrahams, Jeff “Skunk” Baxter, Alvin Lee, Mick Ronson, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Albert Lee
Bands he has performed in: Public Eye, The Blades, Gone Jackals, Under Cover, Heart & Soul, Word of Mouth, Rock O’Matics, Colony Street Band
Life Passions: Playing good music, Ireland, trying to stay upright on ski’s, Girl Scout cookies, family reunions, watching the 49ers while drinking Guinness and yelling at the TV
“When I was a whipper-snapper and my older brother started taking guitar lessons, I’d sneak into his room, pick up his guitar and figure out songs without knowing what the heck I was doing. I got my own guitar at the age of 12 and haven’t put it down yet. I can get lost in playing for hours at a time (ask my wife!) But even more cool and gratifying is playing with other musicians, creating a great sounding unit, and performing for a crowd of fun-loving, dancing maniacs! Nothing compares to being on stage, locked in a groove and looking out at a sea of heads bouncing up and down in unison. Straight to the sky on a natural high!”…Jimmy